Luigi's Mansion Wiki

A Timely Entrance, or C-1, is the first mission to take place within the Old Clockworks of Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon. In this mission, Luigi is tasked with going to get the Dark Moon piece from the Clock Tower, however, after finding that the Clock Tower Gate is broken, he must go find the Special Compass, from within the mansion.

For the location of the Boo, go here.

For the gem locations, go here.


Luigi next to the Clock of the Courtyard

Mission Blurb[]

"Good news, Luigi. I've noticed the next Dark Moon piece. It's at the top of the Clock Tower. All you've gotta do is mosey on up there and grab it! What could go wrong?"

Starting Dialogue[]

"You see that, Luigi? That's where the next Dark Moon piece is. The Old Clockworks! before it was abandoned, this place once produced the finest timepieces ever made. But years of neglect have turned it into a favourite haunt for ghosts. So it wasn't surprising when the Parascope detected a Dark Moon piece inside the Old Clockworks! And after tuning the Parascope a little more, I was actually able to pinpoint its precise location: the top of the Clock Tower! Now, you see this fancy-looking door? That's the Clock Tower Gate. You'll need to get though it in order to climb the Clock Tower. I've highlighted it on your map. We know where the Dark Moon piece is this time, so you won't have to stumble around in the dark! Yep, this'll be a snap! Slick as a whistle! I mean - what could possibly go wrong?"

Mission Goals[]

Overall Goal[]

  • The Parascope has located a Dark Moon piece at the top of the Clock Tower. Use the elevator behind the Clock Tower Gate to get there.
  • The Clock Tower Gate is missing some parts! The ghosts that took the parts have been located, but you'll need a special compass to reach them. Search the Drafting Room for it!

Other Goals[]

  • Get to the Clock Tower Gate.
  • Retrieve the special compass.


After arriving outside the factory, Luigi must get inside by turning the wheel to turn the hands on the clock to the time shown on every other clock (3:30). After going through the revealed door, Luigi will get scared by a Greenie that runs off. Since the door he needs to get through is locked, he must find a key. There is a safe in the upper-right corner of the room. Open it with the Strobulb, and grab the gold package within. bring it over to the machine in front of the entrance and open the package for a key. When he enters the Workshop, he can easily stun the two Greenies by blowing up the bomb they're "working" on. He can then progress forward to the Clock Tower Gate. When inside, he'll find the gate is broken, and E. Gadd will call saying: "Good job, Luigi! I see you made it to the gate. Billowing banshees! The clock hands are missing! Ho ho! Oho! Those ghosts sure are a clever bunch. You see, the clock hands operate the Clock Tower Gate. The ghosts figured that out and hid them from us! Incredible! Well, not for us, of course. It's actually pretty terrible. It would take a strong ghost to pry off those clock hands. I'll scan for any powerful paranormal signals. Hold tight. I'll let you know when I find something." Then a Greenie creates a tornado to fight Luigi with, however they can be stunned using the bombs in the ground. Two more will come and give Luigi a key for defeating them. Luigi can now progress more right, into the Cargo Room. E. Gadd will call: "Well, I think I've found our clock thieves. There's a strong signal underground, and I reckon it's them. According to my research, there's a special compass that should help you get down there. It's likely stored somewhere in the Drafting Office. Check your map and hop to it!" In the Cargo Room, Luigi must pull off the curtain and blow up the bomb to let sand into the room. This will bring him to a higher level. He then pulls the stairs down, however, as he reaches the top of the stairs, a Greenie will scare him. Luigi must defeat two Greenies and a Slammer to be able to progress further. As he enters the catwalks of the Clock Tower Gate, he'll need to use the Dark-Light Device to find the missing parts of the catwalk. When he gets to the Drafting Office, he'll need to defeat one Greenie. when he starts spinning the fan to open the secret wall, a Sneaker will scare him away, and he'll need to defeat three more Sneakers. After that, he can go through the secret wall and collect the Special Compass. E. Gadd will call saying: "Whatcha got there, son? Ah! That must be the special compass! I'll bring you back so I can take a gander at it. Hold on a sec." This will complete the mission.

After Mission Dialogue[]

"Welcome back, Luigi. I really though getting the Dark Moon piece would be a breeze. Shoulda known those pesky ghosts wouldn't make it easy for us. Speaking of ghosts, let's unload the Poltergust 5000."

"OK, let me see that strange special compass...thing."

"Well, I'll be! This really is something else! I'm going to need some time to examine it. Perhaps you'd like to visit the Vault in the meantime?"


This is one of the few missions in the game in which Professor Elvin Gadd suggests that Luigi goes to the vault.

Old Clockworks
A Timely EntranceUnderground ExpeditionRoundhouse BrawlPlay CatchPiece at LastShowtimeOutlandish InterruptionOld Clockworks Mission List

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Luigi's Mansion 2- Dark Moon logo Luigi's Mansion 2 HD logo transparent
Game Modes Dark Moon QuestScareScraper
Characters LuigiMarioPolterpupProfessor Elvin GaddToad
Objects Balloon BerryBillClock HandCoinDual ScreamDark MoonE-GateGearGemstoneGold BarGold BoneHeartKeyMoneyParanormal PortalParanormal ShieldParascopePixelatorRed CoinRibbonRobombRotorSpecial CompassSpike Ball PlantTreasure ChestVane
Poltergust 5000 Dark-Light DeviceFlashlightStrobulb
Ghosts BooCreeperGobberGold GreenieGreenieHiderMummy GreeniePoltergeistSlammerSneakerSpirit BallStatue Armour GhostStrong GobberStrong GreenieStrong HiderStrong SlammerStrong Sneaker
Bosses Ancient PoltergeistBig BooGhost BrothersGrouchy PossessorHarsh PossessorKing BooOverset PossessorShrewd PossessorStrong PoltergeistThe Three SistersTough Possessor
Non-ghost enemies BatBeetleCrowCarnivorous PlantFrigid BeetleFrogFuzzballMouseOrange FlowerRobotic BombSpiderTrapdoor
ScareScraper Ghosts AweberryAwelligatorBad-mintonBanegalBeetle WhispererBig PolterpupBlimp ReaperBlobberflyBlue PimpernelBomb BrotherCaweClown FishyCold CatcherCreeper LauncherDaisyDreadonflyFootbrawlFreaker SneakerFright FlyFright KnightGoolfGo-BeeHorrorcaJack-goo-lanternLady GugLeoprankPink ZinniaPolterpupsPondguinPrimordial GooScareamblesScarsScoolScornSoccer BallShriek SharkSpooky SpookSpookumberSun FlowerTerrible TeleporterTerrorangeTether JacketThe BrainVioletWurdleYukata BallZebrawl
Rooms Gloomy Manor: BalconyBedroomCellarCoatroomCommon HallDining RoomEntranceFoyerFront YardGarageGuard HallKitchenLabLibraryLobbyMaster HallMudroom •  Mudroom ExteriorParlorPatioRaftersSecret PocketStudioStudyUnder the Stairs
Haunted Towers: Botany LabConservatoryCourtyardCrow's NestCryptEast HallEerie StaircaseFamily RoomGardenGardener's DwellingGardener's LabGreenhouseHaunted Towers EntranceHollow TreeHydro GeneratorLaboratoriesLoungeMaintenanceOld GraveyardPlant NurseryRooftop PoolRumpus RoomSeedling LaboratorySewerSkybridgeSolariumTool ShedToolshed StairsTower LobbyTree HouseTree RootWater SupplyWest BathroomWest BedroomWest GardenWest Hall
Old Clockworks: AntechamberBelfryBelfry ClockCanyon HallCanyon NarrowsCanyon StairsCargo RoomClock Tower GateClockmaker's ChambersClockworks CourtContainer YardCrank RoomDrafting OfficeFinishing RoomGear ChamberKiln RoomMaintenance HubMovementsPit SlideQuarryRoundhouseRoundhouse PitService ElevatorStorage RoomStorm CellarSynchro GantrySynchronization RoomTombTransportation HallWarehouseWorkshop
Secret Mine: AirwayBasinChaletChalet ApproachCinder MineCoward's ChasmCrossroadsCrystal QuarryDeep HallDrift HallFrozen PitFishing HutGondolaHigh WiresIce LakeMaintenance RoomPit MineProspector's CrossingShaftSkip SlopeSmokehouseSmuggler's HideoutTerminalUnder the IceWorkshopWorkshop Landing
Treacherous Mansion: Ancient ExhibitArchivesAviation ExhibitBottom of WellCeremonial ChamberCliffsideDark Age ExhibitDungeon CellsEast BalconyEast CorridorEast GalleryFront EntranceGargoyle RoofGrand EastGrand WestGuard TunnelHaunted CatacombsIce Age ExhibitInner CourtyardJungle ExhibitKitchenNautical ExhibitRestroomsSpace ExhibitStudyTerraceTrain ExhibitUnderground LabVerandaWest BalconyWest CorridorWest Gallery
Others Beta ElementsBunkerCurseDamageEvershade ValleyGood Night!HPKing Boo's IllusionParanormal DimensionVault