Luigi's Mansion Wiki
Professor Elvin Gadd Artwork - Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon “I had 25 paintings once upon a time. My Famous Ghost Collection was complete! But now only the frames remain. It's a shame! A tragedy!”

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The Coatroom (or Cloakroom in the Europe and Australia) is a room of the Gloomy Manor from the game Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon that actually consists of two rooms: the main coatroom and also a bathroom. To reach the bathroom portion, there is a trap wall that Luigi can use to get to the other side.


The actual coatroom is a small space with various cabinets and one table. Coats that hang in the cabinets will give Luigi one Bill each. A very out of place toilet can be interacted with to swing Luigi over to the bathroom side. That side has a sink, bathtub, and a secret compartment in the lower-right corner of the room. Luigi's first time in here will be his first encounter with Greenies.

Dark Moon Quest[]

In "Poltergust 5000", Luigi arrives at the Coatroom. He enters the shower and uncovers a Greenie showering. As Luigi tries to leave the room, he fights his first two Greenies.

In "Gear Up", going to the bathroom and vacuuming up the carpet with the Poltergust 5000 will reveal the first Gold Greenie in the game.

In "Quiet Please!", coming into this room and vacuuming up all of the coats will reveal yet another Gold Greenie.

In "Visual Tricks", trying to get to the bathroom will turn the room dark and reveal two Greenies to fight.

In "Sticky Situation", the Coatroom may be one of the rooms infested with spider webs that Luigi will need to clean up.

In "Gradual Infiltration", the Coatroom serves no relevant purpose. No money can be collected here either, and ghosts will never appear in this room.


Luigi's Mansion 2- Dark Moon logo Luigi's Mansion 2 HD logo transparent
Game Modes Dark Moon QuestScareScraper
Characters LuigiMarioPolterpupProfessor Elvin GaddToad
Objects Balloon BerryBillClock HandCoinDual ScreamDark MoonE-GateGearGemstoneGold BarGold BoneHeartKeyMoneyParanormal PortalParanormal ShieldParascopePixelatorRed CoinRibbonRobombRotorSpecial CompassSpike Ball PlantTreasure ChestVane
Poltergust 5000 Dark-Light DeviceFlashlightStrobulb
Ghosts BooCreeperGobberGold GreenieGreenieHiderMummy GreeniePoltergeistSlammerSneakerSpirit BallStatue Armour GhostStrong GobberStrong GreenieStrong HiderStrong SlammerStrong Sneaker
Bosses Ancient PoltergeistBig BooGhost BrothersGrouchy PossessorHarsh PossessorKing BooOverset PossessorShrewd PossessorStrong PoltergeistThe Three SistersTough Possessor
Non-ghost enemies BatBeetleCrowCarnivorous PlantFrigid BeetleFrogFuzzballMouseOrange FlowerRobotic BombSpiderTrapdoor
ScareScraper Ghosts AweberryAwelligatorBad-mintonBanegalBeetle WhispererBig PolterpupBlimp ReaperBlobberflyBlue PimpernelBomb BrotherCaweClown FishyCold CatcherCreeper LauncherDaisyDreadonflyFootbrawlFreaker SneakerFright FlyFright KnightGoolfGo-BeeHorrorcaJack-goo-lanternLady GugLeoprankPink ZinniaPolterpupsPondguinPrimordial GooScareamblesScarsScoolScornSoccer BallShriek SharkSpooky SpookSpookumberSun FlowerTerrible TeleporterTerrorangeTether JacketThe BrainVioletWurdleYukata BallZebrawl
Rooms Gloomy Manor: BalconyBedroomCellarCoatroomCommon HallDining RoomEntranceFoyerFront YardGarageGuard HallKitchenLabLibraryLobbyMaster HallMudroom •  Mudroom ExteriorParlorPatioRaftersSecret PocketStudioStudyUnder the Stairs
Haunted Towers: Botany LabConservatoryCourtyardCrow's NestCryptEast HallEerie StaircaseFamily RoomGardenGardener's DwellingGardener's LabGreenhouseHaunted Towers EntranceHollow TreeHydro GeneratorLaboratoriesLoungeMaintenanceOld GraveyardPlant NurseryRooftop PoolRumpus RoomSeedling LaboratorySewerSkybridgeSolariumTool ShedToolshed StairsTower LobbyTree HouseTree RootWater SupplyWest BathroomWest BedroomWest GardenWest Hall
Old Clockworks: AntechamberBelfryBelfry ClockCanyon HallCanyon NarrowsCanyon StairsCargo RoomClock Tower GateClockmaker's ChambersClockworks CourtContainer YardCrank RoomDrafting OfficeFinishing RoomGear ChamberKiln RoomMaintenance HubMovementsPit SlideQuarryRoundhouseRoundhouse PitService ElevatorStorage RoomStorm CellarSynchro GantrySynchronization RoomTombTransportation HallWarehouseWorkshop
Secret Mine: AirwayBasinChaletChalet ApproachCinder MineCoward's ChasmCrossroadsCrystal QuarryDeep HallDrift HallFrozen PitFishing HutGondolaHigh WiresIce LakeMaintenance RoomPit MineProspector's CrossingShaftSkip SlopeSmokehouseSmuggler's HideoutTerminalUnder the IceWorkshopWorkshop Landing
Treacherous Mansion: Ancient ExhibitArchivesAviation ExhibitBottom of WellCeremonial ChamberCliffsideDark Age ExhibitDungeon CellsEast BalconyEast CorridorEast GalleryFront EntranceGargoyle RoofGrand EastGrand WestGuard TunnelHaunted CatacombsIce Age ExhibitInner CourtyardJungle ExhibitKitchenNautical ExhibitRestroomsSpace ExhibitStudyTerraceTrain ExhibitUnderground LabVerandaWest BalconyWest CorridorWest Gallery
Others Beta ElementsBunkerCurseDamageEvershade ValleyGood Night!HPKing Boo's IllusionParanormal DimensionVault