Luigi's Mansion Wiki

Gradual Infiltration, or A-Bonus, is the first bonus mission of Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon. This mission can only be unlocked after collecting all of the Boos in the Gloomy Manor. Even though these missions do not have a time limit, Luigi still aims to be speedy, as it will increase his score.

These missions do not have any Boos to collect.


Luigi while sucking up a Greenie and a Slammer in the Lobby

For the gem locations, go here.

Mission Blurb[]

"We have an...interesting situation. The Parascope is picking up mild paranormal signals in the manor. I'm sending you in to investigate."

Starting Dialogue[]

"Hey, youngster. We've got an unexpected development at the Gloomy Manor. Just when we thought it was finally free of ghosts, the Parascope picked up more paranormal signals. It's got to be ghosts, but I have no idea where they're coming from! In any case, they're probably up to no good, so we need to capture them. I'll pixelate you back to Gloomy Manor, and we'll take it from there. Sound good? No? Well...think of it as character building. OK, off you go!"

Mission Goals[]

Overall Goal[]

  • A group of ghosts have returned to the Gloomy Manor! Catch all of the ghosts as quickly as possible.

Other Goals[]

  • Capture all the ghosts as soon as possible!



Luigi confronting two Greenies and a Slammer.

"Alright Luigi. I've got a reading on the ghosts. Check your map." After E. Gadd tells you where the ghosts are, it's your job to capture them. Since the rooms with ghosts in them are randomized, one should just follow E. Gadd's map and capture ghosts from there.

Luckily, the mansion is free from all the webs that were burned in Sticky Situation, so running around the mansion is no trouble.


Here are a list of rooms that may be infested with ghosts. Only six of these rooms are randomly selected every time this mission is played.


When clearing the Gloomy Manor of ghosts, what E. Gadd will say to Luigi at the end of the mission differs depending how quickly Luigi completes it:

"That'll do, Luigi! You weren't exactly quick about it, but you caught 'em all. Anyhoo, let's bring you back!" (Time over 4 minutes)

"Excellent, Luigi! You got all of 'em! That was really fast! The very definition of posthaste! Heh heh... Let's bring you back!" (Time under 4 minutes)

After Mission Dialogue[]

"Glad you made it back safely, Luigi! There were more ghosts up there than I originally anticipated."

"Those ghosts were no match for you, young feller. No match at all. But don't get too confident, son. You can't afford to let your guard down with all these ghosts about. Anyhoo... I still have no idea what triggered the ghost resurgence. The scientific method doesn't exactly apply to paranormal phenomena, you know. That said, there's no mystery that science can't eventually solve!"

Names in other languages[]

Language Name Meaning
Japanese オバケ大発生じゃ~!
Obake dai hassei ja!
Spanish Infiltración gradual Gradual Infiltration
French La grande invasion The Great Invasion
Dutch Stiekeme infiltratie Sneaky Infiltration
German Operation Gänsehaut Operation Goose-Bumps
Italian Infiltrazione graduale Gradual Infiltration
Chinese 鬼怪大量出现~! (Simplified)
Guǐguài dàliàng chūxiàn!
鬼怪大量出現~! (Traditional)
Guǐguài dàliàng chūxiàn!


  • The music on the bonus missions is a remixed version of the Library piano, when the Poltergeist is playing, fit to set the theme of the mansion.
Gloomy Manor
Poltergust 5000 (mission)Gear UpQuiet Please!Visual TricksSticky SituationConfront the SourceGradual InfiltrationGMTest

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Luigi's Mansion 2- Dark Moon logo Luigi's Mansion 2 HD logo transparent
Game Modes Dark Moon QuestScareScraper
Characters LuigiMarioPolterpupProfessor Elvin GaddToad
Objects Balloon BerryBillClock HandCoinDual ScreamDark MoonE-GateGearGemstoneGold BarGold BoneHeartKeyMoneyParanormal PortalParanormal ShieldParascopePixelatorRed CoinRibbonRobombRotorSpecial CompassSpike Ball PlantTreasure ChestVane
Poltergust 5000 Dark-Light DeviceFlashlightStrobulb
Ghosts BooCreeperGobberGold GreenieGreenieHiderMummy GreeniePoltergeistSlammerSneakerSpirit BallStatue Armour GhostStrong GobberStrong GreenieStrong HiderStrong SlammerStrong Sneaker
Bosses Ancient PoltergeistBig BooGhost BrothersGrouchy PossessorHarsh PossessorKing BooOverset PossessorShrewd PossessorStrong PoltergeistThe Three SistersTough Possessor
Non-ghost enemies BatBeetleCrowCarnivorous PlantFrigid BeetleFrogFuzzballMouseOrange FlowerRobotic BombSpiderTrapdoor
ScareScraper Ghosts AweberryAwelligatorBad-mintonBanegalBeetle WhispererBig PolterpupBlimp ReaperBlobberflyBlue PimpernelBomb BrotherCaweClown FishyCold CatcherCreeper LauncherDaisyDreadonflyFootbrawlFreaker SneakerFright FlyFright KnightGoolfGo-BeeHorrorcaJack-goo-lanternLady GugLeoprankPink ZinniaPolterpupsPondguinPrimordial GooScareamblesScarsScoolScornSoccer BallShriek SharkSpooky SpookSpookumberSun FlowerTerrible TeleporterTerrorangeTether JacketThe BrainVioletWurdleYukata BallZebrawl
Rooms Gloomy Manor: BalconyBedroomCellarCoatroomCommon HallDining RoomEntranceFoyerFront YardGarageGuard HallKitchenLabLibraryLobbyMaster HallMudroom •  Mudroom ExteriorParlorPatioRaftersSecret PocketStudioStudyUnder the Stairs
Haunted Towers: Botany LabConservatoryCourtyardCrow's NestCryptEast HallEerie StaircaseFamily RoomGardenGardener's DwellingGardener's LabGreenhouseHaunted Towers EntranceHollow TreeHydro GeneratorLaboratoriesLoungeMaintenanceOld GraveyardPlant NurseryRooftop PoolRumpus RoomSeedling LaboratorySewerSkybridgeSolariumTool ShedToolshed StairsTower LobbyTree HouseTree RootWater SupplyWest BathroomWest BedroomWest GardenWest Hall
Old Clockworks: AntechamberBelfryBelfry ClockCanyon HallCanyon NarrowsCanyon StairsCargo RoomClock Tower GateClockmaker's ChambersClockworks CourtContainer YardCrank RoomDrafting OfficeFinishing RoomGear ChamberKiln RoomMaintenance HubMovementsPit SlideQuarryRoundhouseRoundhouse PitService ElevatorStorage RoomStorm CellarSynchro GantrySynchronization RoomTombTransportation HallWarehouseWorkshop
Secret Mine: AirwayBasinChaletChalet ApproachCinder MineCoward's ChasmCrossroadsCrystal QuarryDeep HallDrift HallFrozen PitFishing HutGondolaHigh WiresIce LakeMaintenance RoomPit MineProspector's CrossingShaftSkip SlopeSmokehouseSmuggler's HideoutTerminalUnder the IceWorkshopWorkshop Landing
Treacherous Mansion: Ancient ExhibitArchivesAviation ExhibitBottom of WellCeremonial ChamberCliffsideDark Age ExhibitDungeon CellsEast BalconyEast CorridorEast GalleryFront EntranceGargoyle RoofGrand EastGrand WestGuard TunnelHaunted CatacombsIce Age ExhibitInner CourtyardJungle ExhibitKitchenNautical ExhibitRestroomsSpace ExhibitStudyTerraceTrain ExhibitUnderground LabVerandaWest BalconyWest CorridorWest Gallery
Others Beta ElementsBunkerCurseDamageEvershade ValleyGood Night!HPKing Boo's IllusionParanormal DimensionVault