Luigi's Mansion Wiki
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The Luigi's Mansion encyclopedia that anyone can edit!
Wiki created since August 27, 2010. Thank you for your continued support!
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Hammer Slam
LM3 King Boo
There are currently 796 articles, 45,308 contributions and 36,233,947 users on the Mansionpedia.
LM3 Boo artworkNew to the wiki?
King Boo
The Last Resort
10 years of Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon


Discover more about Luigi, now the star of his own game series.

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King Boo

Do you dare to know more about our main villain?

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The Last Resort

Enter the new luxurious hotel in Luigi's Mansion 3.

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10 years of Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon

10 years since Luigi first stepped into the Gloomy Manor.

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King Boo
The Last Resort
10 years of Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon

LM3 Boo artworkWelcome!
Welcome to our your mansion... or hotel?
Luigi's Mansion Legacy

The Mansionpedia is a collaborative database dedicated to the Luigi's Mansion series, which covers all information as well as helpful walkthroughs and guides maintained by the players for Luigi's Mansion, as well as its sequels, Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon, and Luigi's Mansion 3, as well as the spin-off arcade game, Luigi's Mansion Arcade!

The Mansionpedia was created on August 27, 2010. We could use your help to grow the community, so buck up your Poltergust and let's capture some ghosts in the Mansionpedia!

Any user can edit our articles, but you'll need to make an account to create new articles, upload images, and much more.

All Luigi's Mansion games are action-adventure video games that mix horror themes in a friendly way for almost all audiences, perfect to play in Halloween season. This is one of the few games in the Mario franchise in which Luigi is the protagonist, rather than Mario.
LM3 Boo artworkMeet the Characters!
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LMDM The Brain

The Brain is a large Poltergeist who serves as the main boss in the ScareScraper of Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon. He is only fought at the top of the ScareScraper, and fights the Luigis using telekinesis, and even generating a purple force field with can knock any Luigis back to stop them from vacuuming him up. He also appears as the boss for the Gloomy Manor in Luigi's Mansion Arcade.

LM3 Boo artworkHall of Spooks 2021!
The winners for the Mansionpedia 2021 competition on September 13, marking 20 years of Luigi's Mansion!
LM3 Boo artworkStaff
LM3 Characters ending
LM3 Boo artworkVideos
LM3 Boo artworkExtra, extra, read all about it!
Luigi's Mansion GC Boxart - US
"One day, Luigi receives a letter to his own mansion from a contest he did not enter. This mansion is revealed to be filled to the brim with scary ghosts! Luigi meets up with a scientist named Professor Elvin Gadd, who gives him his latest gadgets to assist Luigi in his ghost hunting adventure, such as the Poltergust 3000 and the Game Boy Horror for communication. Help Luigi bust ghosts through this mansion to defeat King Boo and rescue his brother Mario, who had been trapped within a painting!"


Luigis Mansion dark moon boxart
"In Evershade Valley, Professor Elvin Gadd is continuing his latest research, with the help of some friendly ghosts to assist him. But then, King Boo returns, and uses the power of his crown to shatter the Dark Moon, turning all of the ghosts aggressive! Luigi suits up with the professor once more, and his equipped with the upgraded Poltergust 5000 to help bust ghosts, and use the Dual Scream for communication. Help Luigi retrieve the Dark Moon pieces from each of the Possessor ghosts, defeat King Boo once more, rescue Mario and restore peace to Evershade Valley again!"


Luigi's Mansion 3
"On a beautiful, sunny day, Luigi and his friends are invited to a fancy hotel, known as The Last Resort! The owner, Hellen Gravely, gives Luigi and the others are warm welcome to her hotel, and leads them to their hotel rooms. However, at night, all of Luigi's friends are captured, and Hellen Gravely, who is revealed to be a fangirl of King Boo, releases him from his portrait! Luigi barely manages to escape, and manages to find E. Gadd's latest invention, the Poltergust G-00! With some training from Polterpup, Luigi helps free E. Gadd, and he later equips him with the Virtual Boo for communication. With ghosts on the horizon, time to team up with Luigi... and Gooigi!? Scale the floors of The Last Resort, take down hordes of ghosts, free Luigi's friends and take down King Boo once more!"


LM3 Poltergust G-00 artworkNotice

The Mansionpedia is NOT an official site owned by the company who produces these games, Nintendo.

LM3 Poltergust G-00 artworkHelping out

Check out our To-Do List page for more!

LM3 Poltergust G-00 artworkNews
Luigi's Mansion related news
Wiki related news
  • LuigiMaster41 has been promoted to a bureaucrat and administrator!
  • Sum41Champ has been promoted to content moderator!
  • The wiki hosted a "Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon ArtFest" during March 2023 to celebrate Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon 10th anniversary!
  • The wiki became affiliates with the Lock's Quest Wiki.
  • On September 2021, the Mansionpedia held a competition to celebrate the 20 year anniversary of Luigi's Mansion! Winners had their works of art featured on the home page on the 14th.
  • Fun Fright has been promoted to a discussions moderator!
  • LordVex75 has returned to the staff team as a discussions and content moderator!
  • LuigiMaster41 has been promoted to admin, due to his recent contributions to the wiki!
  • Mansion Builders online! Do you qualify for the legendary award?

Please create fan made articles about Luigi's Mansion at the Fansion Wiki, rather than here!

Be sure to check out the Luigi's Mansion Reddit Page!

LM3 Poltergust G-00 artworkActivities
  • King Boo Hunt! King Boo hides in some of the smallest pages, making comfort in them. Find the pages and expand them so he has nowhere to hide!
  • Mansion Builders! A special reward to those that have contributed a lot to this wiki!
  • Hider and Seek! Multiple Hiders hide in our smallest articles, so expand the article with plenty of information to force them to come out of their hiding spots!
  • Feed the Gobber! Add plenty of images and create galleries to feed our hungry Gobbers in some of our articles that may lack images!
LM3 Poltergust G-00 artworkDid You Know?
LM3 Poltergust G-00 artworkAffiliates

The Mansionpedia gets its share of supporters including:

Nintendo-related wikis and affiliations
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If you are interested in becoming an affiliate of the Mansionpedia, please send a message to our current Booreaucrat, DrawnCatcher.

Action-Adventure Games

ActRaiserAfterimageARK: Survival EvolvedArc of AlchemistAlan WakeAssassin's CreedAstral ChainAsura's WrathAnno: MutationemBayonettaThe Binding of IsaacBloodstainedCastlevaniaChibi-Robo!ControlCrackdownCyberpunkDarksidersDays GoneDead MazeDetroit: Become HumanDevil May CryDragon's CrownDriver: Parallel LinesFairuneFran BowFroggerGauntletThe GetawayGod EaterGrand Theft AutoGravity RushGungraveHITMANHorizonInfamousJust CauseKenshiL.A. NoireLast Day on Earth: SurvivalThe Last of UsLegacy of KainLegend of ZeldaLEGO DimensionsLEGO GamesLEGO Marvel and DCLightseekersLollipop ChainsawThe Longest JourneyLuigi's MansionMadWorldMafiaMarvel's Guardians of the GalaxyMarvel's Spider-ManMediEvilMercenariesMetal GearMonster HunterMultiAdventuresNinja GaidenNo More HeroesŌkamiOnimushaPrince of PersiaPhoenotopiaQuantum BreakRyse: Son of RomeRed DeadRetro City RampageThe SaboteurSenran KaguraShenmueSleeping DogsSphinx and the Cursed MummySplinter CellSubnauticaSystem ShockSyvalionTercerisTomb RaiderTornado OutbreakToukidenUnchartedValkyrie DriveVanquishWatch DogsYakuza

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