Luigi's Mansion Wiki

Luigi pulling a carpet to trip up three Statue Armour Ghosts.

Statue Armour Ghosts[1] are suits of armor that are controlled by ghosts, only appearing in Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon. Two are controlled by two Strong Greenies, and six are possessed by the Tough Possessor, in the missions "Front-Door Key" and "Stop the Knightmare" respectively.


Statue Armor Ghosts heavily resemble the suits of armor found in the Gloomy Manor, though they have spikes on their armor, one on each of the shoulders and multiple on the legs. Also, they wield either and axe or a sledge hammer, depending on what they carry. In Stop the Knightmare, a giant Statue Armour Ghost is a colossus-sized armour, with a orange glow emitting from its helmet, and wields a giant sword.


Regular Statue Armour Ghosts walk slowly towards Luigi, though in Stop the Knightmare, they can also run fairly fast. Once nearby, they can slam their axe or sledge hammer onto the ground to hit Luigi, dealing damage. However, the Statue Armour Ghost will have to pull their weapon out of the ground before to can try to attack Luigi again, leaving it imobile for a few seconds. To defeat them, Luigi has to use the vacuum on the Poltergust 5000 to pull the carpet if their feet are underneath it. After that, the ghost will be revealed and Luigi can capture it.

In Stop the Knightmare, Luigi has to trip all possessed Statue Armour Ghosts, otherwise the ones that are still on ground will bring back the fallen armour, putting it back together. Once all have been tripped, the copies of the Tough Possessor will fuse back together, and Luigi can capture him after it charges and knocks into a wall. If Luigi fails to capture the Tough Possessor after charging around five times, the Tough Possessor will create his clones and re-possess the Statue Armour Ghosts.

Additionally, there is also a large variant of the statue armour that is more than 20 times the size of standard sets. It possesses a normal sword and can only be used by the Tough Possessor. It raises its feet towards Luigi and then stomps them down on the ground one by one. It can also plunge its sword into the floor and drag it across, damaging the floor itself (Though, it is only temporary and the effect fades away). Both attacks cause rubble to fall from the floor, with the sword attack having the rubble fall close to the damaged floor and the stomp to cause rubble from all around fall. Because it is so large, it cannot have both feet on a singular carpet. It requires both feet to be pulled quick enough so the first foot does not get back on the ground. Once both feet have been tripped, all 4 copies will come out in a dramatic defeat as they merge for the final time.



  1. Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon, string in ROM's code binary (StatueArmourGhost)
Luigi's Mansion 2- Dark Moon logo Luigi's Mansion 2 HD logo transparent
Game Modes Dark Moon QuestScareScraper
Characters LuigiMarioPolterpupProfessor Elvin GaddToad
Objects Balloon BerryBillClock HandCoinDual ScreamDark MoonE-GateGearGemstoneGold BarGold BoneHeartKeyMoneyParanormal PortalParanormal ShieldParascopePixelatorRed CoinRibbonRobombRotorSpecial CompassSpike Ball PlantTreasure ChestVane
Poltergust 5000 Dark-Light DeviceFlashlightStrobulb
Ghosts BooCreeperGobberGold GreenieGreenieHiderMummy GreeniePoltergeistSlammerSneakerSpirit BallStatue Armour GhostStrong GobberStrong GreenieStrong HiderStrong SlammerStrong Sneaker
Bosses Ancient PoltergeistBig BooGhost BrothersGrouchy PossessorHarsh PossessorKing BooOverset PossessorShrewd PossessorStrong PoltergeistThe Three SistersTough Possessor
Non-ghost enemies BatBeetleCrowCarnivorous PlantFrigid BeetleFrogFuzzballMouseOrange FlowerRobotic BombSpiderTrapdoor
ScareScraper Ghosts AweberryAwelligatorBad-mintonBanegalBeetle WhispererBig PolterpupBlimp ReaperBlobberflyBlue PimpernelBomb BrotherCaweClown FishyCold CatcherCreeper LauncherDaisyDreadonflyFootbrawlFreaker SneakerFright FlyFright KnightGoolfGo-BeeHorrorcaJack-goo-lanternLady GugLeoprankPink ZinniaPolterpupsPondguinPrimordial GooScareamblesScarsScoolScornSoccer BallShriek SharkSpooky SpookSpookumberSun FlowerTerrible TeleporterTerrorangeTether JacketThe BrainVioletWurdleYukata BallZebrawl
Rooms Gloomy Manor: BalconyBedroomCellarCoatroomCommon HallDining RoomEntranceFoyerFront YardGarageGuard HallKitchenLabLibraryLobbyMaster HallMudroom •  Mudroom ExteriorParlorPatioRaftersSecret PocketStudioStudyUnder the Stairs
Haunted Towers: Botany LabConservatoryCourtyardCrow's NestCryptEast HallEerie StaircaseFamily RoomGardenGardener's DwellingGardener's LabGreenhouseHaunted Towers EntranceHollow TreeHydro GeneratorLaboratoriesLoungeMaintenanceOld GraveyardPlant NurseryRooftop PoolRumpus RoomSeedling LaboratorySewerSkybridgeSolariumTool ShedToolshed StairsTower LobbyTree HouseTree RootWater SupplyWest BathroomWest BedroomWest GardenWest Hall
Old Clockworks: AntechamberBelfryBelfry ClockCanyon HallCanyon NarrowsCanyon StairsCargo RoomClock Tower GateClockmaker's ChambersClockworks CourtContainer YardCrank RoomDrafting OfficeFinishing RoomGear ChamberKiln RoomMaintenance HubMovementsPit SlideQuarryRoundhouseRoundhouse PitService ElevatorStorage RoomStorm CellarSynchro GantrySynchronization RoomTombTransportation HallWarehouseWorkshop
Secret Mine: AirwayBasinChaletChalet ApproachCinder MineCoward's ChasmCrossroadsCrystal QuarryDeep HallDrift HallFrozen PitFishing HutGondolaHigh WiresIce LakeMaintenance RoomPit MineProspector's CrossingShaftSkip SlopeSmokehouseSmuggler's HideoutTerminalUnder the IceWorkshopWorkshop Landing
Treacherous Mansion: Ancient ExhibitArchivesAviation ExhibitBottom of WellCeremonial ChamberCliffsideDark Age ExhibitDungeon CellsEast BalconyEast CorridorEast GalleryFront EntranceGargoyle RoofGrand EastGrand WestGuard TunnelHaunted CatacombsIce Age ExhibitInner CourtyardJungle ExhibitKitchenNautical ExhibitRestroomsSpace ExhibitStudyTerraceTrain ExhibitUnderground LabVerandaWest BalconyWest CorridorWest Gallery
Others Beta ElementsBunkerCurseDamageEvershade ValleyGood Night!HPKing Boo's IllusionParanormal DimensionVault