Luigi's Mansion Wiki
Stop the Knightmare
The Tough Possessor in a giant suit of armor.
Boss Tough Possessor
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Stop the Knightmare, or E-Boss, is the boss mission of the Treacherous Mansion in Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon. Here, Luigi is sent into the portal on the Terrace to try to, once again, battle King Boo. Instead, he finds the last Dark Moon piece being guarded by the Tough Possessor.

These missions do not have any Boos to collect.

This mission does not have any gems to collect.


Flag of USA "The portal on the Terrace is still open, but we've got to hurry. Button up those overalls, my boy! It's time to battle King Boo!"
Flag of Europe "The portal on the terrace is still open, but we have to hurry. Button up those dungarees, my boy! It's time to battle King Boo!"


Professor Elvin Gadd prepares to say his "final goodbyes" to Luigi before sending him off to the paranormal portal. Luigi is pixelated to the Terrace, and is immediately sucked into the paranormal portal. Here, he is brought to a large, medieval-themed room with five knights, with one holding the final Dark Moon piece. As Luigi tries to grab it, however, the Tough Possessor appears and snatches it off Luigi. After he releases a powerful force field against Luigi, the Tough Possessor spilts into two, and both possess two suits of armor.

Boss battle[]

LMDM Tough Possessor

The Tough Possessor creates a doppelganger and possesses two suits of armor.

In the first two phases, Luigi needs to trip up the suits of armor at once by luring them onto one carpet. After destroying two of the suits (then three), the Tough Possessor will use three extra doppelgangers to create a giant suit of armor. In this phase, Luigi needs to lure each foot onto a separate carpet, then pull each carpet with the Poltergust 5000 to trip up the giant armor. When not possessing the suits, the Tough Possessor will only charge once, but emits trails of electricity (the number of trails emitted depends on how many doppelgangers he created). Once the Tough Possessor is captured, Luigi can collect the final Dark Moon piece.

After getting a call from the professor to come back to the Bunker, only the Dark Moon piece manages to make it back, whilst Luigi was taken to King Boo's Illusion, much to E. Gadd's horror.

Mission Goals[]

Overall Goal[]

  • The portal has brought you to an unknown location! Look for the possessor ghost and the final piece of the Dark Moon.

Other Goals[]

  • Retrieve the Dark Moon piece.


  • As the paranormal portal drags Luigi into it, Mario's painting can be seen briefly to the far right.
  • After completing this mission, then replaying the mission again, Luigi will make it back to the Bunker. As a bonus, E. Gadd remarks how Luigi went back into the portal to fight the Tough Possessor again just for the "adrenaline rush".
  • If Luigi fails to capture the Tough Possessor during the final phase, and re-possesses the giant suit of armor, a similar and slightly altered cutscene plays, where the Tough Possessor taunts as he rises back up, Luigi says, "Oh-oh!", and the armor steps back into the arena.[1]



External links[]



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Luigi's Mansion 2- Dark Moon logo Luigi's Mansion 2 HD logo transparent
Game Modes Dark Moon QuestScareScraper
Characters LuigiMarioPolterpupProfessor Elvin GaddToad
Objects Balloon BerryBillClock HandCoinDual ScreamDark MoonE-GateGearGemstoneGold BarGold BoneHeartKeyMoneyParanormal PortalParanormal ShieldParascopePixelatorRed CoinRibbonRobombRotorSpecial CompassSpike Ball PlantTreasure ChestVane
Poltergust 5000 Dark-Light DeviceFlashlightStrobulb
Ghosts BooCreeperGobberGold GreenieGreenieHiderMummy GreeniePoltergeistSlammerSneakerSpirit BallStatue Armour GhostStrong GobberStrong GreenieStrong HiderStrong SlammerStrong Sneaker
Bosses Ancient PoltergeistBig BooGhost BrothersGrouchy PossessorHarsh PossessorKing BooOverset PossessorShrewd PossessorStrong PoltergeistThe Three SistersTough Possessor
Non-ghost enemies BatBeetleCrowCarnivorous PlantFrigid BeetleFrogFuzzballMouseOrange FlowerRobotic BombSpiderTrapdoor
ScareScraper Ghosts AweberryAwelligatorBad-mintonBanegalBeetle WhispererBig PolterpupBlimp ReaperBlobberflyBlue PimpernelBomb BrotherCaweClown FishyCold CatcherCreeper LauncherDaisyDreadonflyFootbrawlFreaker SneakerFright FlyFright KnightGoolfGo-BeeHorrorcaJack-goo-lanternLady GugLeoprankPink ZinniaPolterpupsPondguinPrimordial GooScareamblesScarsScoolScornSoccer BallShriek SharkSpooky SpookSpookumberSun FlowerTerrible TeleporterTerrorangeTether JacketThe BrainVioletWurdleYukata BallZebrawl
Rooms Gloomy Manor: BalconyBedroomCellarCoatroomCommon HallDining RoomEntranceFoyerFront YardGarageGuard HallKitchenLabLibraryLobbyMaster HallMudroom •  Mudroom ExteriorParlorPatioRaftersSecret PocketStudioStudyUnder the Stairs
Haunted Towers: Botany LabConservatoryCourtyardCrow's NestCryptEast HallEerie StaircaseFamily RoomGardenGardener's DwellingGardener's LabGreenhouseHaunted Towers EntranceHollow TreeHydro GeneratorLaboratoriesLoungeMaintenanceOld GraveyardPlant NurseryRooftop PoolRumpus RoomSeedling LaboratorySewerSkybridgeSolariumTool ShedToolshed StairsTower LobbyTree HouseTree RootWater SupplyWest BathroomWest BedroomWest GardenWest Hall
Old Clockworks: AntechamberBelfryBelfry ClockCanyon HallCanyon NarrowsCanyon StairsCargo RoomClock Tower GateClockmaker's ChambersClockworks CourtContainer YardCrank RoomDrafting OfficeFinishing RoomGear ChamberKiln RoomMaintenance HubMovementsPit SlideQuarryRoundhouseRoundhouse PitService ElevatorStorage RoomStorm CellarSynchro GantrySynchronization RoomTombTransportation HallWarehouseWorkshop
Secret Mine: AirwayBasinChaletChalet ApproachCinder MineCoward's ChasmCrossroadsCrystal QuarryDeep HallDrift HallFrozen PitFishing HutGondolaHigh WiresIce LakeMaintenance RoomPit MineProspector's CrossingShaftSkip SlopeSmokehouseSmuggler's HideoutTerminalUnder the IceWorkshopWorkshop Landing
Treacherous Mansion: Ancient ExhibitArchivesAviation ExhibitBottom of WellCeremonial ChamberCliffsideDark Age ExhibitDungeon CellsEast BalconyEast CorridorEast GalleryFront EntranceGargoyle RoofGrand EastGrand WestGuard TunnelHaunted CatacombsIce Age ExhibitInner CourtyardJungle ExhibitKitchenNautical ExhibitRestroomsSpace ExhibitStudyTerraceTrain ExhibitUnderground LabVerandaWest BalconyWest CorridorWest Gallery
Others Beta ElementsBunkerCurseDamageEvershade ValleyGood Night!HPKing Boo's IllusionParanormal DimensionVault