Waiters are uncommon ghosts in Luigi's Mansion. They are light-blue ghosts dressed up in waiter outfits that carry plates of food in each hand.
They are only found in the Dining Room, where they serve to supply Mr. Luggs with food, posing no direct threat to Luigi. However, as long as they are left alone, Mr. Luggs will continuously eat, meaning that he cannot be defeated.
Upon vacuuming the Waiters up with the Poltergust 3000, Mr. Luggs will no longer have food being served to him, causing the battle with him to start. Alternatively, they can be stalled by flashing them with the light, allowing Luigi to suck up the food without capturing them, after which Mr. Luggs will fly into a rage and they will flee in terror. Waiters do not appear again for the remainder of the game.
Food Refuel: The Waiter Ghosts will endlessly feed Mr. Luggs more food until captured.
Elemental Immunity: The Waiter Ghosts can’t be harmed by water, ice, and fire
- Interestingly enough, they are immune to elements.